
100 Summertime Journal Ideas

To keep your children's creative writing juice flowing!

By Jodi Lorence, Macaroni PM July 2, 2015
Here are some journal ideas for you to use to keep your kids writing over the summer. I always set out a time for learning during the day, usually right after lunch, to keep the kids learning while they are on summer vacation. Our learning time always included, workbooks activities, journaling and reading. Here is a list of ideas for you:

  1. If you were going to a deserted island and could only bring 10 items what would they be and why?
  2. See how many words you can make out of SUMMER VACATION.
  3. Make a list of the things you would like to do over the summer.
  4. What is your favorite holiday and why?
  5. Make a list of everything you can think of that is green.
  6. You just won $2,000. What are you going to do with the money?
  7. You have a very special magic wand. If you were given 3 wishes that would come true, what would they be?
  8. Write a letter to your parents telling them why you love them.
  9. You found a very adorable lost puppy wandering around in your yard, he doesn't have a collar on so you don't know who he belongs to. Tell me what you would do with the puppy to make sure that he stays safe.
  10. Make a list of what you are thankful for in your life.
  11. What is your favorite holiday and why?
  12. What are some of your favorite memories of the 4th of July?
  13. If you could decorate your bedroom any way you want, how would you decorate it? Draw a picture of your completed room.
  14. If you could be any super hero what would you be? What would be your special powers?
  15. If you saw a friend doing something they should not be doing what would you do?
  16. What is your favorite toy and why is it your favorite?
  17. Tell us about a dream you remember.
  18. What is your favorite season (Fall, winter, spring, or summer) why?
  19. What is your favorite movie and why?
  20. How are you unique?
  21. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
  22. Describe a happy moment in your life.
  23. If you could do anything today, what would it be?
  24. What is your favorite family vacation? Where did you go? Why was it your favorite?
  25. What do you want to do when you grow up?
  26. Do you have a hobby? What is it? Why do you enjoy it?
  27. What state would you like to visit and why?
  28. Draw a picture of your family and tell us about each of them.
  29. If you could have any pet what would it be? What would his/her name be? What would you feed it?
  30. Draw a picture of you wearing your favorite outfit, don't forget the shoes. Then tell us why it is  your favorite outfit.
  31. Create a new board game. What would the name of your game be? What are the directions, make sure you draw a picture of your new game.
  32. What do you like to do with your mom?
  33. What do you like to do with your dad?
  34. The last time I was really angry was when....... 
  35. If you could change your name what would it be?
  36. What is the happiest moment that you can remember?
  37. Write about the day you moved into your new house. How did it make you feel. If you haven't moved, would you want to and why or why not?
  38. Write as many verbs as you can think of. Try to get to 30.
  39. Using the verbs you just listed, make a sentence for each verb.
  40. Why is it important to take care of our environment. What do you do with your family to take care of our environment?
  41. What is your favorite sport. Tell us about it...why do you enjoy it?
  42. Have you ever tried to catch a firefly, ant, butterfly, frog, snake, dragonfly? How did you catch it and what did you do with it?
  43. What is the favorite thing that you do with your pet?
  44. Write a daily list of a typical day for you. Starting with getting out of bed and ending with going to bed at night. 
  45. If you could buy any vehicle in the world what would it be and why?
  46. What is your family's favorite thing to do when you are all together? What do you like about it?
  47. If you could go in a spaceship to the moon would you want to go? Tell us about your trip.
  48. Describe a game that you like to play outside in the summer.
  49. Think of each of the season (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) What is your favorite activity to do in each of the seasons?
  50. A dinosaur is still living and you get to take care of him. What are you going to build to keep him in so he doesn't escape and hurt someone or that he gets hurt. What do you need to feed him? What kind of dinosaur is he? What is his name going to be?
  51. Take your notebook outside and sit in the grass and look around. Describe what you see, the sights and the sounds.
  52. Make a family tree.
  53. Describe your last day of school.
  54. I can't stand when my brother or sister.........
  55. I love when my family......
  56. An alien gets to choose who he is going to take in his spaceship to go back to his planet. Tell him why you would be the perfect or why you would not be the one to take with.
  57. What is your very favorite food in the world. Why do you like it?
  58. If you could be an actor/actress in your favorite movie, what movie would it be and what character would you play? Why?
  59. I woke up and the morning was going as usual until.......
  60. If you could choose one person to go on a long vacation with an unlimited amount of money to spend, who would you choose and where would you go? Why?
  61. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?
  62. What is something that you would like to learn more about? Now take some time to research and write down some facts about your subject.
  63. What is a book that you would suggest to others to read? What did you like about it?
  64. You just received $500 but you can't spend it. Who would you give it to and why?
  65. What do you like to do around the house to help out your parents?
  66. What is your favorite subject in school? Why is it your most favorite?
  67. What is your favorite tv show? Why do you like it?
  68. On Monday you have a student coming to stay from you from a different country. He/She doesn't speak any English. What are you going to do to communicate with this person. What would you like to show him/her about Minnesota?
  69. Where is your favorite store to go shopping at? Why?
  70. If you could learn about one hobby what would it be? Why?
  71. If you could open up your own store what would it be called? Tell us about it.
  72. With an unlimited amount of Legos what would you like to build? Tell us how long it would take to build. What would you do with it once it was built?
  73. If you could only choose to play one video game which one would you choose? Why?
  74. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  75. Get creative...if you could paint your room with any theme of your choice, what would it be? Draw us a picture of what the walls will look like.
  76. Write detailed instructions on how to make a peanut butter sandwich.
  77. You are designing your own new flavor of ice cream. What would it be named? What is in it?
  78. Sometimes it is nice to have some free time to hang out in your room and be alone. What do you like to do when you are in your room alone?
  79. What is your favorite restaurant and what do you order when you go there?
  80. Write a list of antonyms (opposites)
  81. You are an inventor and can invent anything you would like, what would it be?
  82. Sometimes it is so fun to stay up late. Do you ever stay up late? What do you do when you stay up late?
  83. What is your favorite zoo animal? What is your favorite zoo? Tell me about your animal.
  84. Write an acrostic poem with the word SUMMER. Each line of your poem must start with the letters in order of summer.
  85. Take your journal in the car when you go someplace wiith your paretns and write down all the makes and models of the cars that you see.
  86. Draw a picture and then write about it. Be detailed and use your imagination.
  87. After visiting a zoo, museum, valleyfair, Mall of America, or any other place you visit, tell us about your experience there.
  88. Starting with the letter A and ending with the letter z write down a word for each letter.
  89. Draw a picture of a vegetable garden and tell me how you are going to take care of the garden to make sure that all the plants live.
  90. Write about a time that you were frightened.
  91. Why is it important to follow rules and laws to be a good citizen? What are the consequences for someone that doesn't follow rules and laws?
  92. What are some fun things that you like to do when you visit a lake home or cabin?
  93. Write a list of what you will need to go on a family camping trip.
  94. Describe a perfect summer day for you.
  95. Describe what life would be like if you were 15 feet tall?
  96. My most embarassing moment was when......
  97. Being a president of the United States is a huge responsibility. If you were the President of the United States what would you focus on?
  98. Do you think it is a good idea to have school all year long or do you like that you have summers off?
  99. I have decided that if I was to visit a foreign country it would be? I would want the people of that country to know what about you?
  100. Summer is almost over and school is about to start. I am.......